Hi everyone and happy February!
Last month I discovered a lip balm that has become my new favourite. I actually got it for Christmas but started using it last month and I can surely say I FELL IN LOVE.
It's the "I love... Coconut & cream" lip balm.

Now this is the best lip balm I've ever tried. Although the brand isn't as well-known, the product is just amazing. If you're a tropical scent lover like me, you will love this stuff. It literally smells, as the name says, like fresh coconuts dipped in whipped creme. I'm pretty sure this is what heaven smells like.
I use this lip balm at night or when I'm at home because it comes in a pot and isn't that convenient when it comes to hygiene. I don't like using products like this when I'm out and about because well.. the public transport, door knobs and stuff that have been touched by other people.
Anyway, this stuff is great for using at night. I put on a lot and my lips feel super soft. Even in the morning! I also have a matching hand creme but it doesn't smell like this at all! It has a chemicaly scent while this smells literally like the name says. So don't be fooled.
It's super cheap, does its job perfectly and smells divine!!
Happy weekend!
I really want to try this, I love the smell of coconut so this is right up my street!
I love coconut! Thats more enough of a reason to give this a go!
oh this looks so lovely! cute blog! do you want to follow each other?
It sounds fab, my lips have been suffering recently so I'll keep this in mind