Thursday, July 18, 2013

New blog layout and my Youtube channel!

Hi everyone!

As you may have already seen, my blog went from a soft blue colour to baby pink. It looks more put together now I think and I'm quite happy how it turned out for now. I still have some things to change though.

Also, I just wanted to let you guys know that I now have a Youtube channel. I have no videos on there at the moment because my channel is still in baby shoes but I really wanted to start making videos every once in a while.
I would really appreciate it if you could subscribe to me because I will start making videos very soon. (Even though my accent is probably terrible- haha!)

That's all I wanted to say- just a little update post :)



  1. Love the new layout!

    Maddy @

  2. Loving it! Good luck with YouTube :) x

    Following x

